DC Dielectric Strength Test

Dielectric test sets check the electrical insulation quality of motors, power cables, switchgear, insulators, transformers, and capacitors. Typical applications include acceptance and maintenance testing of critical equipment used by electrical utility sub stations and industrial plant distribution systems. Power apparatus manufacturers may also use the equipment to perform QA/QC production tests.

  • It is suitably designed for testing power cable, switchgear, and rotating machinery in accordance with IEC guidelines.
  • Direct current high-potential testing provides several advantages over alternating current. Direct current test equipment uses far less power, provides fast charging of highly capacitive test samples,
  • Can be easily transported to the test site and costs less. Additionally, the dc test can detect incipient breakdown without the possibility damage to good insulation.
  • Available in customizable ranges such as 3 kV, 5 kV, 10 kV, 15 kV….60 kV